Optimizing Human Resources. Better hiring and retention results.

An HR consultancy that helps organizations make smarter people investments.


World class organizations trust us.

Strategy is just words on paper without the plans, deliverables and measurements you need to make it actually work.

Frequently Expressed Pain Point

“We’ve got to stop the noise about Talent Acquisition.”

Most Recent Blog Posts:

DIY: 3 Steps to Doing Your Own Talent Acquisition Audit

Why is now the best time to evaluate and improve hiring in your organization? Because waiting for the perfect moment is futile. The talent marketplace evolves unpredictably, with some skills becoming increasingly scarce (AI, data analytics) while others are more abundant than ever (cashiers, call center rep, sales agents). Hiring leaders demand swift, high-quality hiring, and senior leaders are reluctant to fund more recruiters. Continuing to rely largely (or solely) on job postings is ineffective in today's changing landscape. Read on to discover strategies to take charge, assess your talent acquisition function, and prioritize improvements to make hiring faster and better.

Simplifying Workforce Planning for Summer 2024: Practical Tips for HR Leaders

In today's data-rich landscape, workforce planning is essential for HR leaders to identify talent-related priorities and investments. While tools like Visier and Tableau provide instant and slick access to data, the challenge lies in ensuring its accuracy, deciphering its true meaning and turning it into actionable plans. By focusing on key metrics such as attrition rates and tenure distributions, HR leaders can create directionally-accurate workforce plans that can evolve over time to enable their organizations navigate the most complex talent marketplace we've ever known. This article details a roadmap that will help HR leaders build a simple workforce plan that will allow them to address the most important people-related trends in their organization, now and in the future.

Our March ‘24 Newsletter: Chock Full of Talent News

In case you missed it, here's our March '24 newsletter . . . talent insights that have a long shelf life.

4 Great Questions to Ask HR Leader Candidates, and the Answers to Look For

HR, Talent and TA professionals are generally very good at being interviewed. But that ability doesn’t correlate with true talent management, recruiting or leadership skills. *Your* skills as an interviewer are key to getting beyond showmanship and personality in order to assess true business acumen, talent knowledge and the ability to make data-based decisions. Here are some tough but fair questions to ask your finalists and, more importantly, the right answers to look for.