
World class organizations trust us.

Strategy is just words on paper without the plans, deliverables and measurements you need to make it actually work.

Frequently Expressed Pain Point

“Recruitment can't keep up with hiring needs.”

“Are we funding the right talent initiatives?”

“Our HR strategy hasn’t evolved with our business.”

"We get so many requests for recruiting reports and they take so much time to create. How do we keep up?”

“We need to revamp the way we report on HR activities and outcomes. We send out too many reports and nothing happens with any of it.”

“What’s the right HR operating model for our organization?”

“We’ve got to stop the noise about Talent Acquisition.”

“We needed to dramatically improve the speed and quality of hiring, but talent acquisition is an area in which I have limited experience."

“Our new recruiting leader needs an onboarding plan and a roadmap for success.”

Most Recent Blog Posts:

Not Measuring Quality of Hire? You Should Be!

Everyone seems to be concerned with quality of hire these days; it’s become one of those buzzwords…

A High Volume Hiring Case Study: Improving Hiring Speed, Quality, Cost

The Challenge: Improve the quality of hiring high volume, customer service-oriented front line employees. In turn, increase speed to hire and reduce overall hiring costs.

How Do You Measure Quality of Hire in this Talent Marketplace?

In this full employment economy, finding and winning top talent for critical roles is a key business success factor. But if you’re still thinking about quality of hire in the old way (hiring manager surveys to assess ‘happiness’ with the recruiting team or managers' assessment of a new hire 30 days in), then you’re missing the chance to prove the value of Talent Acquisition in 2019 and beyond.

Valuing Employees: Are People Your Most Important Asset? The Answer Might Surprise You.

Well, if you’re an accountant, then the answer is probably a resounding “yes.” From an accounting…