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Measuring Quality of Hire: How to Handle Common Challenges
No one would argue that the talent a company employs play in a crucial role in achieving…
Five Reasons Why Candidates Aren’t Applying to Your Jobs
There are many reasons why candidates aren't applying to jobs the way they did before the pandemic. A recent survey identified five key reasons for this (hint: 'being lazy and on unemployment' didn't make the list.)
Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO) Can Improve Hiring Results: Four Ways to Do It right
Recruiting Process Outsourcing firms (RPOs) often have a reputation for overpromising and…
RPO Lessons Learned: When RPO is Not Working Well
So your organization is using an RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) firm and you suspect things aren't going as planned? Or perhaps you are considering an RPO? Read on to learn about these common pitfalls. And check out other articles in our series to find solutions.
Now is the Time to Measure Quality of Hire
Many leaders are concerned with quality of hire these days and for good reason: we've seen spikes…
5 Reasons Assessment-Based Programs Are the Best Training and Development
Traditional training isn't the way to rapidly improve HR effectiveness, development and credibility. Simulation-based assessment and 360° feedback is a fast, better way to improving recruiters' and HR business partners' skills.
Hot Tip: That ChatBot on Your Apply Process Isn’t AI
In almost every case, your ChatBot is actually repelling - rather than attracting - talent. Prove me wrong.
In-Box Dash: AI-Powered Simulation for TA Training and Selection
A one-of-a-kind, AI-powered simulated exercise to help HR and TA leaders select, assess and develop their team.
A High Volume Hiring Case Study: Improving Hiring Speed, Quality, Cost
The Challenge: Improve the quality of hiring high volume, customer service-oriented front line employees. In turn, increase speed to hire and reduce overall hiring costs.
How Do You Measure Quality of Hire in this Talent Marketplace?
In this full employment economy, finding and winning top talent for critical roles is a key business success factor. But if you’re still thinking about quality of hire in the old way (hiring manager surveys to assess ‘happiness’ with the recruiting team or managers' assessment of a new hire 30 days in), then you’re missing the chance to prove the value of Talent Acquisition in 2019 and beyond.
The Most Effective Recruitment Process in the Toughest Talent Marketplace
It’s a trick: the most effective recruitment process isn’t one - it's multiple processes, differentiated and highly engineered. Because in the most challenging talent marketplace that most of us have ever worked in, we can't wing it anymore - nor can we build our processes based on what we've always done, or what hiring managers demand.
Talent Acquisition Audit: Six Signs You Need One
Six circumstances where it makes sense to bring in outside, unbiased resources to conduct a talent acquisition audit.
How to Improve Recruiting: Begin with a SWOT Analysis
Need to figure out how to improve hiring speed, quality and diversity? Begin with one of the most tried-and-true methods to assessing strengths and weaknesses: a SWOT framework for recruiting. Learn how this method can help you get started the right way.
Valuing Employees: Are People Your Most Important Asset? The Answer Might Surprise You.
Well, if you’re an accountant, then the answer is probably a resounding “yes.” From an accounting…
How to Use a Req Load Calculator for Recruiters
The number of reqs a recruiter works has a direct impact on the speed, cost and quality of their…
HR Strategy = Talent Strategy: It’s All About Build, Buy, Borrow
The creation of value in companies is primarily linked to intellectual capital driving cash flow,…
Where the Talent Went and What To Do About It
Despite the waning of the COVID-19 pandemic, hiring and retention remain a significant challenge for businesses. Factors contributing to this shortage include demographic shifts, declining birthrates, and lower labor force participation rates. Here are four strategies to address this issue. And do it now, because it's not going to get easier anytime soon.
Building a New Partnership Between CHROs and CEOs
It's time for CHROs to build a better, more collaborative and business-based relationship with their CEOs. Read more about it in our latest book, "Building Business Value Through Talent: The CEO and CHRO Partnership Guide" available on Amazon:
5 Ways to Turn Your Desire to Hire Diverse Talent into Actual Diversity Hiring
The demand for greater representation within companies requires HR to successfully find, attract and win high-performing diverse talent. Here are five tips for doing it right.
Connecting Talent Investments to Business Outcomes (Infographic)
All roles are not of equal importance. In fact, 20% of roles drive 90% of your growth. The…
Are you in a War *ON* Talent or a War *FOR* Talent?
Here are eight clues for determining where your organization falls.
2023 Talent Analytics Playbook for CHROs
The explosion of HR tools, technology and trends makes zeroing in on essential analytics more difficult than ever. How should Talent Analytics define HR priorities? What are the greatest obstacles to achieving effectiveness? What does a Talent Analytics "homerun" look like? In 2023, talent analytics should not just support, but fundamentally drive, your organization's business strategy.
Critical Success Factors in Driving Intellectual Capital: Help! I Need Somebody (Not Just Anybody)
Imagine for a moment if the Beatles had been a company. The “top talent,” as defined by the CEO,…
4 Ways to Determine if You Need to Improve Your Job Postings ASAP
This insane labor market requires employers to put their best foot forward in order to win top talent. But often, when the candidate sees a job posting, it's so bad that it literally repels the most qualified among them. Here are four ways to quickly audit your own postings.
Where Have All The Workers Gone: 5 Factors
This is the question our consulting firm now hears more often than any other. And there is no simple answer. To understand the worker shortage, take a quick trip around the external market factors, that issues that exist within most companies, the dramatically different choices that talent (and particularly, high-performing diverse talent) are now making - and 5 places they've gone.
Let’s Modernize Talent Acquisition Before Jumping on the AI Train
HR and Talent Acquisition teams often lack the necessary foundation to make AI truly effective because of undefined processes, ambiguous roles and unclear goals. So before delving into AI-driven solutions, TA needs to build its foundation: clear strategies, well-defined and differentiated processes, supporting org design and data-based measures of success. Only then it can be determined where AI can add the most value.
DIY: 3 Steps to Doing Your Own Talent Acquisition Audit
Why is now the best time to evaluate and improve hiring in your organization? Because waiting for the perfect moment is futile. The talent marketplace evolves unpredictably, with some skills becoming increasingly scarce (AI, data analytics) while others are more abundant than ever (cashiers, call center rep, sales agents). Hiring leaders demand swift, high-quality hiring, and senior leaders are reluctant to fund more recruiters. Continuing to rely largely (or solely) on job postings is ineffective in today's changing landscape. Read on to discover strategies to take charge, assess your talent acquisition function, and prioritize improvements to make hiring faster and better.
The Data Dilemma: Navigating Challenges to Becoming a Data-Driven HR Function
In today's fast-paced business environment, HR teams are increasingly turning to data and analytics to drive informed decision-making. The concept of data-driven HR has gained significant traction, with organizations leveraging data to optimize talent acquisition and talent management, and connect HR efforts and outcomes to business results. However, despite the potential benefits, many HR teams face significant challenges when it comes to obtaining and effectively analyzing data. This column explores the underlying challenges, why data acquisition is difficult, the conflict between being "customer-focused" and data-driven, and the struggle to utilize data for outcomes that align with critical business operations.
4 Great Questions to Ask HR Leader Candidates, and the Answers to Look For
HR, Talent and TA professionals are generally very good at being interviewed. But that ability…
Interviewing Isn’t Enough: The Best Way to Hire Recruiters Now
Struggling to hire recruiters who excel beyond the interview? Old school style interviews don’t cut it when it comes to assessing critical TA skills like prioritization, judgment, and influencing others. Discover In-Box Dash, an AI-powered solution that simulates real-world recruiting challenges, providing you with a fast, accurate way to assess and develop your team. A fast, accurate and cost-effective way to elevate your talent acquisition game, brought to you by TGA.
4 Great Questions to Ask Prospective Talent Acquisition Leaders – and the Answers to Look For
Let’s face it: recruiting professionals are generally very good at being interviewed. But that fact doesn’t correlate with excellent recruiting or leadership skills. A TA leader position can be among the most important roles in an organization. Here are some tough but fair questions to ask your finalists and, more importantly, the right answers to look for.
Re-Engineering Recruiting: Tips for Assessing and Improving your Talent Acquisition Function
Now might be the optimal time to re-engineer your recruiting processes. Start by objectively determining which metrics are most important to your business, how to evaluate them and the best approach for improving these outcomes.
9 Reasons Why Changing Your HR Org Structure Won’t Fix Your HR Issues
Changing the organizational design within HR may seem like a logical step to address issues and pursue a transformative HR strategy, but moving boxes on a chart rarely improves measurable outcomes. This article outlines why simply altering the HR org design won't fix underlying issues or transform anything, much less your HR strategy.
Strategic Human Resource Management: Not All Roles Are Equal
In the last few years, McKinsey, Corporate Executive Board, PwC and others have concluded that HR…
Technology is Not the Answer to Your Hiring Problems
The volume and variety of TA technologies on the market would lead even experienced HR…
Simplifying Workforce Planning: Practical Tips for HR Leaders
In today's data-rich landscape, workforce planning is essential for HR leaders to identify talent-related priorities and investments. While tools like Visier and Tableau provide instant and slick access to data, the challenge lies in ensuring its accuracy, deciphering its true meaning and turning it into actionable plans. By focusing on key metrics such as attrition rates and tenure distributions, HR leaders can create directionally-accurate workforce plans that can evolve over time to enable their organizations navigate the most complex talent marketplace we've ever known. This article details a roadmap that will help HR leaders build a simple workforce plan that will allow them to address the most important people-related trends in their organization, now and in the future.
An HR Budget Plan That Showcases HR as an Investment, Not a Cost
It's hard to look like an investment when you act like a cost. Budget season is on the horizon and a lot of HR leaders are already hunkering down to deal with the same old loop of requests and denials. After all, “costs” typically get cut in version one of your budget draft, but you can change this dynamic up by putting yourself in the place of an investor.
The Most Important Recruitment Metric: Quality of Hire
At the end of the day, Talent Acquisition is only as good as the people they hire.
The “Human Capitalist”: AKA Your most critical roles
Who They Are, Why Your Business Depends on Them, and How to Win Them
Hiring Manager Satisfaction Surveys: The Worst Thing to (Still) Happen to Talent Acquisition
Hiring managers rating recruiters on how well they filled their job does nothing but reinforce arcane and counter-productive behaviors. Rather than asking: "Do you like us? Were we responsive and pleasant? Did you like our candidates?", Talent Acquisition teams should be measured on hiring speed and quality. Note: by "quality" we mean how well did new hires stay in the role and how well did they perform. Because, like it or not, if TA isn't hiring people who stay and perform, something is amiss. Hiring managers, in turn, will *really* like recruiters if they hire top talent who stay longer than their predecessors. But, if you just can't let these surveys go, read on for tips for best positioning these surveys.